What is Periodontitis?

Periodontitis (pair-e-o-don-TI-tis), or periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums that destroys the soft tissue in the mouth and eventually leads to erosion of the bone that surrounds your teeth. It is a progressive inflammatory disease that if left untreated could lead to loosening of the teeth and subsequent tooth loss.

Some of the signs and symptoms of periodontal disease include:

  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Red, swollen, tender gums
  • Gums that have pulled away from teeth
  • Permanent teeth that are loose or separating

Periodontal disease is caused by poor dental hygiene and starts with the buildup of plaque or bacteria on the teeth. Eventually, if left untreated, this plaque can begin to cause inflammation of the gums and mouth, called periodontitis.

Uncontrolled inflammation if left untreated can lead to receding gums and tooth loss.

But, the negative effects of periodontitis can be worse than just losing your teeth. The bacteria in the mouth can enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation in other parts of the body. Periodontitis has been linked to an increased risk of chronic illnesses like diabetes or heart disease.

What is Periodontitis treatment?

The best treatment for periodontitis is prevention with good oral hygiene and regular dental visits. This means brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day.

A regular dental visit every 6 to 12 months can help keep teeth and gums healthy. Your dentist can also identify the beginning of plaque buildup or inflammation and discuss your risk factors with you.

If further treatment is needed, these procedures may be performed by the dentist or dental hygienist. Your dentist can deep clean your teeth, offer protective procedures for the teeth and gums, or prescribe antibiotics if needed.

If periodontitis becomes severe, surgery may be required. Flap surgery or bone grafting may be an option to help reduce some of the damage caused by inflammation.

These procedures can be painful and expensive, so you may be wondering how to prevent periodontal disease beyond just brushing your teeth daily.

Limit the Sweets

We all get cravings for something sweet from time to time but how much is too much? Knowing the difference between satisfying your sweet tooth and mindlessly eating empty calories is key. Bacteria thrive on sugar and produce acid which breaks down dental enamel and causes cavities. Overindulging on sweets increases the chances of cavities and periodontal disease. Here are some tips to help you keep those cravings in check.

  • Have your sweet fix around meal times: Eating high-carb or sugary foods between meals increases the length of time your teeth are exposed to cavity-causing bacteria.
  • Avoid buying sweet treats in bulk
  • Make your house a safe zone: If you don’t keep the sweets at home you’ll be less likely to snack on them. Instead, treat yourself to a trip to the local ice cream or candy shop when you do crave something sweet.
  • Avoid sugary beverages
  • Try a candy and sweets cleanse periodically: Sweep through your pantry and donate all your sweets from time to time. It may provide a sweet treat for someone in need and help you become less dependent on sugar.

Incorporate More Fruits and Veggies

Fruits and vegetables incorporate key vitamins and minerals that are crucial to maintaining good oral health. They provide a range of nutrients that help keep gums healthy and teeth sturdy. They also contain less cavity-producing sugar when compared to sweets with concentrated sugars. Crunchy fruits and vegetables also act like brushes on your teeth and can help sweep residue off the surface, unlike sticky chocolate bars and hard candy that cling to your teeth and expedite decay and cavities.

Having a variety of fruits and veggies also helps incorporate nutrients like Vitamin C, glutathione, and calcium all of which contribute to good oral health.

Glutathione Benefits

Known as the ‘master antioxidant’ glutathione is present in each and every one of our cells, even in our gums and mouth.

Glutathione has many benefits for overall health. Increasing your cellular glutathione can dramatically raise energy levels, strengthen the immune system, detoxify the body, and fight inflammation, among others. But, new research has found that glutathione may also be preventative for periodontitis, helping fight inflammation and reduce oxidative damage in the mouth.

Research Shows Glutathione is a Good Natural Treatment for Periodontal Disease

Recent studies tested the gingival crevicular fluid (found between gums and teeth) in patients with mild to severe periodontitis. Results showed decreased levels of glutathione and lower antioxidative activity, leading researchers to believe there is a direct correlation between the antioxidant activity and symptoms of this disease.

High concentrations of glutathione were present in patients with healthy gums, which may represent an important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory defense strategy.

Low levels of glutathione in the mouth may result in a decreased ability to fight oxidative stress caused by plaque buildup, leading to an increase in inflammation and the breakdown of healthy tissues.

Glutathione Uses for Periodontal Disease

We know that brushing regularly along with frequent visits to the dentist is an important part of a preventative plan, however, researchers have concluded that adding glutathione to your routine might be beneficial when used as a supplement to help aid in the prevention and treatment of this disease.

A high-quality whey protein concentrate that contains live active proteins and high levels of naturally occurring cysteine is one of the best ways to increase glutathione production and activity in our bodies. Our Vital Whey is rich in cysteine and glutamine which are responsible for producing glutathione in our cells.

High Quality Whey Protein

Well Wisdom Immune Enhancing Proteins come from cows that are grass-fed and graze year-round on natural pastures.

Our products are minimally processed to maintain all of the original biological activity of the native proteins, as well as being hormone-treatment and GMO-free. Our Vital Whey, ImmunoPro, and Bioactive Colostrum have the highest levels of active proteins to help support immune function, reduce inflammation and improve overall health and wellbeing.

A quality whey protein added to a shake, protein bar, or other recipe is one of the best ways to support your body’s natural production of glutathione and your dental health as well.




  1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/periodontitis/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20354479
  2. Winning L, Linden GJ. Periodontitis and systemic disease. BDJ Team. 2015;2(10):1-4.
  3. Gupta G. Gingival crevicular fluid as a periodontal diagnostic indicator–I: Host derived enzymes and tissue breakdown products. J Med Life. 2012;5(4):390-397.
  4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30198127/
Jaime Rangel, RD
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