Importance of Amino Acids in Protein Powders

Importance of Amino Acids in Protein Powders

All protein is made up of amino acids, sometimes referred to as building blocks that chain together to form the larger molecules necessary for life. Protein powders are no exception—they provide a source of amino acids and are commonly used to supplement a person’s...
Best Protein Shakes for Bariatric Surgery

Best Protein Shakes for Bariatric Surgery

After bariatric or weight loss surgery, your doctor or dietitian will put a major emphasis on getting enough protein in your diet. It’s likely that they will recommend you eat protein at every meal and snack. Protein is of critical importance after surgery to help...
Persistent Tiredness and Chronic Fatigue: Causes and Symptoms

Persistent Tiredness and Chronic Fatigue: Causes and Symptoms

Do you feel an overwhelming tiredness  you can’t seem to shake no matter how much you sleep? It can be exhausting just feeling overwhelmed and tired all the time . Persistent fatigue can have a huge impact on your life, relationships and work.  How do you know when...
The Immune System and Mental Health

The Immune System and Mental Health

In recent years, we have begun to more deeply understand how the mind-body connection influences our health and well-being. Physical and emotional health are more intricately intertwined than we previously understood. Mental health can have a significant impact on our...
Does Whey Protein Expire?

Does Whey Protein Expire?

Admit it, you have at least one (or a few) containers of whey protein or other supplements gathering dust in the back of your pantry. Maybe you forgot about it or maybe you decided to save money by purchasing it in bulk and ended up with more than you needed. You are...