Healthy Lifestyle Rewards Take Commitment

We are constantly being told how important it is to keep active in order to live a long and healthy life, but it can’t be denied, this is often easier said than done. When it comes down to it, at the end of a long hard day, most of us would rather curl up on the couch instead of taking the dog for a run, but resist the urge, lace up those sneakers and start enjoying the many benefits that being fit has to offer you. To keep yourself motivated, consider the many healthy lifestyle rewards that can come from living a fit and healthy lifestyle and how they can impact your overall well-being. healthy lifestyle rewards (photo credit)  

1) Maintain a healthy weight

We all want to look and feel our best and regular exercise can help us to achieve just that. If you keep fit through physical activity, you’ll have an easier time keeping off unwanted weight, especially as we age and our metabolisms start to slow down. This is simply because exercise burns calories and while a healthy diet is the biggest contributor to weight loss, burning those extra calories will give you a boost when it comes to shedding the pounds.  

2) Fight cardiovascular disease and other health conditions

Another major healthy lifestyle reward that comes from being fit, is the reduced risk of developing serious health conditions like:
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • And even some cancers like colon and breast
When you engage in physical activity, your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or “good” cholesterol will increase while decreasing the presence of unhealthy triglycerides.  

3) Give yourself an emotional boost

Exercise can help to provide you with that emotional boost that all of us need sometimes. It can also clear your head and help you to blow off some much needed steam. This is because exercise stimulates different chemicals in the brain that can help you to feel more relaxed and happier overall. And when people feel fit and healthy, they tend to feel more confident, which can be a huge contributor when it comes to feeling happy.  

4)  Increase your energy level

Do you find that you often feel sleepy and sluggish throughout the day? Exercise can help.  Physical activity delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissue and will help your cardiovascular system to become more efficient, which in turn, will provide you with more energy.  

5) Get a good night’s sleep

If you are keeping fit by exercising on a regular basis, you will find that sleep will come a lot easier and once asleep, you’ll have a better chance of sleeping through the night. But try not to exercise right before you hit the sheets because you may find yourself to energized to nod off.  

6) Improve your sex life

You may be one of the many American’s who feel too tired or out of shape to be interested in sex, but luckily, exercise could be the answer. If you are fit and healthy, you may find yourself with more energy and more confidence in your physical appearance, which could be exactly what you need to enjoy physical intimacy again. It is also said that exercise can lead to enhanced sexual arousal for women and that men will be less likely to develop erectile dysfunction.  

7) Take the time to enjoy life

When you are fit, you will automatically be able to join in on wide variety of activities without having to worry about feeling tired or defeated when it’s over. You can play sports, go for long hikes and bike rides or simply go out dancing knowing that you have the endurance to truly enjoy yourself. So the next time you think of skipping out on your daily dose of exercise, remember these healthy lifestyle rewards and what they can mean for you and your body. Being fit isn’t simply about looking good physically, it’s about becoming the best version of yourself so that you can live life, strong, healthy and happy.  

8) Sharpen Your Memory

There are scientific studies that show regular aerobic exercise triggers brain stem cells to make new neurons, along with preserves brain cells when you age. It promotes brain growth, mostly in the hippocampus area that is associated with memory. Since the hippocampus is at the core of the brain’s learning and memory systems, this finding partly explains the memory-boosting effects of improved cardiovascular fitness.
Ronald K. Wright