Do you know what glutathione is? Most people have no idea that it’s one of the most important nutrients, one that the human body cannot live without! Understanding what this antioxidant does can help you realize just how essential it is for your life. In this post, we’ll look at glutathione from A to Z… glutathione safety

What is Glutathione and What Does it Do?

Glutathione is a molecule that is produced by the human body, made from three amino acids:
  1. Cysteine
  2. Glutamine
  3. Glycine
This molecule contains sulfur, which attracts all of the bad things in the human body. All of the toxins, chemicals, free radicals, and heavy metals stick to the sulfur, and your body can eliminate them easily. Glutathione is always being produced by the human body, and it is recycled as well. However, should the toxic load of chemicals stuck to the glutathione become too much for the body to recycle, it must be eliminated. However, the genes that eliminate the toxins are NOT present in many people–up to 1/3rd of the people suffering from chronic illnesses are missing the genes. Essentially, the body is unable to deal with the chemicals and toxins on its own. That’s where glutathione comes in handy again. The molecule recycles antioxidants, ensuring that the body can eliminate the free radicals and toxins collected on the glutathione. But, should the load of toxins and chemicals become too great, glutathione is depleted. Insufficient glutathione has been linked to all manner of health disorders, including:
  • Cancer
  • Heart Disease
  • Dementia
  • Autism
  • Chronic Infections
  • Arthritis
  • Liver Disease
  • and many more…
If there isn’t enough glutathione to deal with the free radicals, chemicals, and toxins in the body, it becomes susceptible to disease and infections. Glutathione also works with your immune system to fight off infections, and it plays a huge role in your body’s ability to detoxify itself. Without glutathione, your body just doesn’t work properly! Is glutathione safe to consume? Yes it is. Not only that, it’s highly recommended!

Why You SHOULD Consume Glutathione

Three woman enjoy the Authumn's grape and wine in the nature. Besides the above, here are a few additional reasons you should add glutathione to your diet:
  • Protect your immune system
  • Detoxify your body
  • Reduce the risk of heart attack
  • Prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia
  • Slow cancer cell growth
  • Boost sperm cell count
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Decrease oxidative stress
  • Treat asthma and lung problems

Glutathione Safety Issues

There are a number of risks associated with taking glutathione, which is one reason many experts speak AGAINST taking it as a supplement. Here are a few risks: According to WebMD, taking glutathione for prolonged periods can lower zinc levels. A lack of zinc can cause all manner of problems, not the least of which is acne. Your senses can be affected by zinc deficiency, and a lack of this important mineral can cause malfunctions of your organs. Zinc deficiencies can lead to anorexia, cancer, impairment of your motor and cognitive functions, pneumonia, diarrhea, and pregnancy problems. Another downside of taking glutathione is the risk that the antioxidant can trigger asthma attacks. It will only do so in those who already suffer from asthma, but the fact that it can cause you to wheeze and your airways to close up make it something many people are wary of. While some believe that glutathione can prevent asthmatic reactions, there is always the risk that it can trigger an asthma attack. These risks are actually fairly minor when you compare them with the benefits of the vital antioxidant. However, knowing there are risks will help you to be safe when taking glutathione supplements or eating more glutathione-rich foods.

Normal Levels of Glutathione

How much glutathione does your body need to have in order to be considered “safe”, “healthy”, or “normal”? “The normal ranges for glutathione in plasma, according to the Health Diagnostics and Research Institute, are as follows:
  • Reduced GSH: 3.8 – 5.5 umol/L
  • GSS (oxidized glutathione): 0.16 – 0.50 umol/L
  • Total glutathione (GSH+GSSG): 3.8 – 5.5 umol/L”
(Information courtesy of Holistic Primary Care)

Getting More of this Vital Antioxidant

how to get more glutathione So, you know that glutathione is a very important nutrient, but how can you increase levels of glutathione in your body?
  1. Eat the right foods — Foods that are high in sulfur will be the best foods to eat to increase your levels of glutathione, so eat more garlic, onions, broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, and cruciferous veggies. You can also find the antioxidant in red meat, lamb, mutton, tomatoes, asparagus, and avocadoes.
  2. Do more exercise — It has been proven that 30 minutes of exercise per day is the best way to make your high-glutathione diet more effective. Make it vigorous exercise–anything that gets your heart beating hard–and you’ll increase your body’s natural immunity, its antioxidant defenses, and its ability to get rid of toxins all on its own.
  3. Take bioactive whey protein — Bioactive whey protein is a great source of the amino acids that make up glutathione, so look for non-pasteurized, non-denatured whey products.
  4. Try glutathione supplements — Products like Well Wisdom’s Immuno Pro contain the amino acids needed to produce glutathione, as well as the other nutrients that are used when the body turns the amino acids into the antioxidant. These supplements will promote the formation of glutathione in the body.
This antioxidant is important, so it’s in your best interest to get as much of it as possible!
Ronald K. Wright