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For those who never engaged in the practice, yoga often evokes images of people bending their bodies into pretzels and other odd shapes that make non-practitioners cringe just by looking. Let’s explore how protein benefits a good yoga diet plan.

Yoga Diet Plan

However, students of the discipline understand what the practice truly entails and enjoy the tremendous benefits that include weight loss, increased flexibility and an overall feeling of wellness and vitality. However, as with any exercise program, what you do after the workout session matters just as much as what you do during practice.

Why A Yoga Diet Plan Matters

As someone who puts in the time and sweat into yoga, you want to stretch the benefits as much as you can. To fully reap the rewards, do consider and be mindful of your food choices. Often, after a rigorous training session, you may feel tempted to splurge.

After all, you just completed a demanding workout, and a candy bar or soda pop may be a great way to treat and satisfy your indulgence. However, why nullify the good you did for your body by feeding it empty calories? Instead, stick with a good yoga diet plan that will help to increase the health benefits of yoga. This combination will maximize your effort spent on yoga, and help increase your energy, make you feel better, and lose weight!

What your body needs after yoga workout is water. Good old H20 refuels, rehydrates and replenishes the body, so be sure to drink plenty. If you can’t stand the bland taste of water, then try alternatives like coconut water or squeeze some lemon or lime juice into your water.

Foods for Yoga Practice

The foods that go best with yoga really apply to any exercise program. While you can allot yourself an occasional cheat day, your normal meals should consist of mostly fresh ingredients. This means your refrigerator and pantry should be stocked with fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

While organic is recommended, don’t fret if your local grocery store doesn’t carry organic options. Foods that come frozen are also acceptable though fresh is always best. It’s also a good idea to have around items like nuts and granola, which make for a healthy snack if you need to eat while on the go.

Don’t Leave out the Protein

Protein helps prevent the muscles from becoming too sore after a workout. Be careful when selecting your protein source because most are also high in saturated fat. Stick with lean sources like tuna, lean beef and boneless chicken. The same rule also applies if using dairy products; stick with low-fat options like skim milk, low-fat cheese and yogurt.

For vegetarians and vegans, there are plenty of other sources high in protein that doesn’t involve meat or animal-derived products. Some high protein, meatless food sources include:

  • Peanut butter
  • Sunflower and pumpkin seeds
  • Soymilk
  • Hemp
  • Tofu
  • Quinoa
  • Tempeh
  • Sprouted-grain bread

You can also obtain your daily protein intake from supplementation. Whey is the most common source in powdered form and very beneficial for its high bioavailability and for the body to quickly absorb immediately after ingestion. Whey protein after yoga makes for a wonderful post-workout recovery drink.

Due to its convenience, you can pack it with you in your gym bag and consume by mixing with water or milk. In addition, whey is also beneficial for maintaining bone density, boosting immune function and regulating appetite.

Getting the Most Out of Your Yoga Workout

Yoga does so much for the mind, body and spirit. It is also a low-impact exercise suitable for all ages and physical levels. However, the food you prepare in the kitchen matters just as much as what you do on the yoga mat. By keeping yourself hydrated and consuming healthy food choices after your workout, you give your body the fuel needed for recovery, maintaining energy levels and optimal weight loss and maintenance.

Yoga Also Benefits Your Kids

There are many benefits that yoga can provide your kids. These include the same physical conditioning benefits as adults achieve, but just as important it helps to boost self confidence, improves focus and concentration, and increases creativity. Yoga helps to counter the inward focus that watching television, playing video games, and cell phones foster in our kids.

Yoga For Kids

Ronald K. Wright