Do you regularly feel sleepy or exhausted during the day? Are you yawning all the time? Do you feel like you can’t make it through the day without a nap or a small rest?

Pregnancy can be pretty exhausting, and fatigue in pregnancy will certainly make the last few months pretty hard to deal with. But if you’re more tired than you should be, it could be an indication that there’s something wrong.

Understanding pregnancy fatigue will help you deal with the problem and have more energy throughout your day!

Natural Remedies for  Pregnancy Fatigue

What is Pregnancy Fatigue?

Pregnancy fatigue is a problem that most pregnant women are familiar with to some extent.

First of all, the body often experiences fatigue before you even know you’re pregnant. Your body is signaling that it’s undergoing some major changes, which is why you’re feeling moody, irritated, and tired around the same time that you realize that you’ve missed your period. Extreme fatigue along with the other symptoms of early pregnancy may be a sign that you’ve conceived.

Fatigue in early pregnancy is also fairly common. Many women have a hard time sleeping properly during their first trimester, leading to some pretty gnarly bags under their eyes and extreme tiredness. It’s surprising the number of women that experience sleep fatigue in the first few months of their pregnancy, and it’s all thanks to the changes your body is undergoing.

When does fatigue begin in pregnancy? That much is hard to determine, as it goes on a case by case basis. Just as some people don’t experience morning sickness, swelling in the ankles, or heartburn during pregnancy, not everyone is going to suffer from fatigue in early pregnancy as well. If they do, the symptoms may be milder, or the problem will go away after just a few weeks or days.

Some of the symptoms of pregnancy fatigue include:

  • Extreme tiredness
  • A need to nap in the middle of the day
  • Insomnia
  • Difficulty concentrating on your tasks
  • General weakness
These are signs that you may be suffering from pregnancy fatigue!

What Causes Pregnancy Fatigue?

We know what pregnancy fatigue looks like, but do you know what causes it? There are a lot of things that can be linked to fatigue in early pregnancy, such as:
  • Insomnia You’ll find that this is a fairly common cause of pregnancy fatigue, particularly in the later trimesters. Many women have a hard time sleeping during their pregnancy, thanks to heartburn, indigestion, restlessness, or stress, and this can throw off their sleep rhythms. Insomnia can lead to more sleep problems, and it’s a vicious cycle that you need to take steps to treat now! (source)
  • Increase in Hormones/Circulation As the baby is growing in your womb, your body is producing a lot of hormones and pumping a lot of blood. This means that you will use up the energy stored in your body more quickly. If you don’t take care to eat properly, you may end up suffering from fatigue in early pregnancy because the changes in your body are sucking up all of your energy. (source)
  • Carrying Twins If carrying one baby in your body is a full time job, imagine what happens when you’re carrying two or more! Having multiple fetuses puts a lot of strain on your body, and you can run out of steam very quickly. If you are carrying twins, you need to make sure to rest a lot more in order to keep up with the demands being placed on your body. (source)
  • Stress We all know how exhausting stress can be, and it can lead to some pretty rough fatigue problems. Stress can cause insomnia and restlessness, as well as stop you from sleeping well. If you’re stressed about work, life, or impending childbirth, it could be the reason that you’re feeling tired all the time. (source)
  • Health Problems Vitamin D deficiency and pregnancy induced or chronic anemia are two health problems that might be linked to your pregnancy fatigue. If you are feeling tired all the time during your pregnancy, it’s important to get checked out by a doctor. There may be a serious underlying health condition that could lead to complications or even danger for your baby if you’re not careful to get it treated. (source)

So, now you know what pregnancy fatigue is and what causes it. But what can you do about it?

how to fight pregnancy fatigue

How to Fight Pregnancy Fatigue

If you want to get rid of your pregnancy fatigue, here are some steps to take to fight it:

Take a walk

One of the best ways to fight stress, balance hormones, and combat fatigue is to do mild exercise. You’ll find that taking a walk is one of the best ways to deal with your pregnancy fatigue, so make it a point to get out of the house for a few minutes next time you feel sleepy.

Don’t push yourself beyond a normal walking pace, but keep it slow to increase your circulation and keep the endorphins flowing.

Listen to music

Find music that helps you to relax and de-stress, and pipe it into your ears. You can also find music to get pumped up, and that will help you to wake up. Music can help you relax when it’s time to rest, and keep you going when you need to work.


Drinking water is a key to beating the fatigue, and it will ensure that you can keep going for hours to come. Dehydration will slow you down drastically, and it can cause brain function decline as well as body function. Drink more water than normal and stay hydrated​.

Take it easy 

You have household chores and work that needs to get done, but perhaps not by you! Rest more, and have someone else do the tasks for you if possible. The hubby can handle the house for a few days, and it will give you time to kick back and get extra rest.

A few days of sleeping in or getting to bed early can make all the difference in your pregnancy fatigue!​

Eat the right foods

That means foods that are rich in iron and protein, the two nutrients that will keep your blood pumping and your muscles working. Red meat, whole grains, leafy veggies, poultry, and seafood will help to reduce your risk of anemia and keep you going for longer!​

Get more fresh air

Getting out of the house for a short while can do wonders for your energy levels. Even something as simple as taking a walk around the block or sitting on a park bench for a few minutes will help to restore your failing energy, and will prevent the close air of your home or office get to you.​

Cut back on caffeine

If there is one thing guaranteed to interfere with your sleep patterns, it’s coffee. Caffeine causes you to wake up, but it does so by suppressing the chemical that tells your brain that it’s tired. You’re still tired, your brain just doesn’t know it.

Caffeine can throw off your regular sleep cycle and interfere with a good night’s rest, as it stimulates your central nervous system to flood your body with “wake up” chemicals. Time to cut out the caffeine in your life, at least until you’ve gotten your sleeping habits back under control.​

Eliminate junk food

At this point in your life, you should be eating ONLY foods that will improve your health and the health of your baby. You need to find the foods that will keep the little one growing healthy and keep you strong, so avoid junk food. The empty foods will do nothing for your energy levels, but will just strain your overworked body.​


Whatever you need to do to relax, do it!

Stress can interfere with your sleeping habits, but it can also lead to a lot of pregnancy health problems. it’s vital to fight stress, no matter what is causing it. Make it a point to take it easy as many days of the week as you can, and set aside the weekend for extra rest and relaxation. The baby will thank you for it!​

How Raw Whey Protein Fights Pregnancy Fatigue

As you know, pregnancy fatigue is linked to an imbalance of nutrients, speficially a lack of protein. Whey protein powder packs a nutrient punch, delivering all the amino acids your body needs to produce energy for your muscles.

You’ll find that taking whey protein–such as the all-natural products offered by Well Wisdom–will help you to manage your fatigue symptoms. It will give you the energy you need to get through another day happy and healthy!

Ronald K. Wright